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Showing posts from April, 2017

Mesothelioma - Am I at Risk

     Mesothelioma, what is it and am I at risk.  Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that is mostly found in the pleural lining of the lungs.  It can also be found in the lining around the abdomen and heart. Those diagnosed with testicular Mesothelioma account for only less than 1% of the patient population.  The inhalation of Asbestos gave rise to the incurable disease that we are now facing in our aging population.      You may ask yourself, well am I at risk ?  You have very good cause to be concerned if you are a new baby boomer.  This is because earlier years of asbestos exposure has a 20 to 50 year latency period before cancer symptoms begin to appear.  Even when these symptoms do appear most people are already in stage III of the disease.  These symptoms mimic many others that appear with respiratory and cardiac disorders, and do not become apparent until usually after the tumors have spread, grown, and causes pain in the patient.        Early testing can make ones prognosis more